
Unlock career opportunities with SpeakTech, a blended tech and language course

Unlock career opportunities with SpeakTech, a blended tech and language course


In today’s digital world, nailing those tech skills is key. While you might not need perfect German for every tech job, it can definitely open up more doors for success. That’s why WBS CODING SCHOOL created SpeakTech - a programme that mixes tech training with German language courses. This fresh approach boosts your career chances and can be fully funded with the Bildungsgutschein.

Learn more about SpeakTech

Stay ahead of the competition: Master tech and language skills

WBS CODING SCHOOL’s SpeakTech programme covers both tech skills and language know-how. Whether you're just starting with German or want to hit advanced levels up to C1, you can level up your language skills alongside your tech training. This combo prepares you to shine in the tech world.

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The two-phase approach of SpeakTech

Here’s how the SpeakTech programme works: 

Phase 1: Language learning

The first part of SpeakTech is all about boosting your German with live, AZAV-certified courses. Getting better at German gives you a leg up in the tech industry.

Phase 2: Tech training

Next up, dive into tech training with help from expert trainers and career coaches. With over 1.000 graduates who’ve nailed it, WBS CODING SCHOOL knows how to turn careers around with solid tech training.

The language and tech courses don’t overlap, so you can learn efficiently. You’ll start by focusing on your German skills before moving to tech training. The language phase lasts from 4 to 16 weeks, depending on your needs, and tech training runs 8 to 17 weeks, making the whole programme 12 to 33 weeks.

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Study for free with a Bildungsgutschein

Wondering about the cost of a coding bootcamp? If you're a German resident on the job hunt, it could be zilch! The Bildungsgutschein is a state-sponsored voucher for folks wanting to learn new skills, like coding.

Apply for a Bildungsgutschein and let the German state cover your tuition with WBS CODING SCHOOL - and then take off into your new career!

While the programme can be funded by the Bildungsgutschein, self-funders pay 300 euros per week for language courses, plus tech training fees. You need the following to join: 

  • At least A2 level German
  • Basic English skills
  • Your own laptop
  • A reliable internet connection 

Start your tech career with WBS CODING SCHOOL

To find out more about either the SpeakTech course, or WBS CODING SCHOOL, head to the website for more information. This could be your first step towards a successful career in tech.



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