Since May 2022, almost 20.000 people have lost their jobs in tech companies alone, some of them in previously unquestioned business models with enormous valuations. Analysts are predicting that the tech market will crash, innovation will be stumped by a lack of VC money, and unemployment rates will spike.
But wait: Why is Germany’s leading digital association, Bitkom, speaking of more than 100.000 open IT positions in its latest report? Why are German tech market leaders across the board complaining about a lack of tech talent?
Understand the other side of the coin
Layoffs have been impacting companies with a big share of investor money and low profitability. At the same time, the market for freelance developers, designers, and product managers keeps growing, caused by the urgent need for good tech talent in companies and the public sector. There are more open positions in the before-mentioned groups than ever, because of one simple fact: We need them.
Coding bootcamps like Le Wagon help kick your tech career into high gear
Products of SaaS companies need further development to remain competitive. Data-heavy systems and processes need to be re-worked or fully digitalised to remain safe. Corporates are introducing new products and innovation-focused team units to remain relevant.
Yes, there will be companies disappearing within the next months, but we will be left with enough exciting, sustainable and impactful projects to work on once the fog lifts. So how can we make ourselves ready?
Prepare yourself with a coding bootcamp from Le Wagon
To prepare for these future projects, coding bootcamps like Le Wagon deliver effective programmes to kick off your tech career and bring your skills to the next level.
To help build yourself a future-proof and fulfilling career in Germany, here are a few things you should consider and act on sooner rather than later.
1. Build a strategy, believe in the roadmap
The ball is in your court. Think about what and who you want to work for instead of rushing into the next best open position. What do you envision when you see yourself committing time to a project? How do you want to work, what drives you, and where could you contribute most?
2. Never stop learning
You will of course learn by doing. However, you can speed up your learning no end with upskill and training programmes. The days when these courses were hugely expensive and took years to complete are definitely over. Your entry point to a tech career might be a coding bootcamp lasting between nine and 15 weeks.
In Germany, most of these programmes are fully financeable with government support, via a Bildungsgutschein (a kind of education voucher issued by the government), or with an Income Share Agreement, which allows you to put off paying back your fees until you land a well-paid job.
The ed-tech market is filled with plenty of options to learn new skills. The challenge is to find the right program. Le Wagon is one option, easily fundable with one of the methods above and with skilled teachers with real-world experience.
3. Build a life around your skills
Building up the skills that our economy needs will enable you to overcome imposter syndrome and give you the power to decide what your work-life balance looks like. Why? Because you are needed and extremely difficult to replace.
Constantly develop your skills, stay hungry for more knowledge and centre your career on actively working with these skills, and your (working) life will automatically become more fulfilling.
4. Don’t Panic
Last but not least: Realise the power that re-focusing your career on your skills brings with it. See every step back as a chance to refocus the target and think about a better way to reach it. It’s always helpful to think back to the point in your career at which you decided on your target, and acknowledge what you have built and created in the meantime.
You will always be a step further from where you started. Life is a transition, so set yourself in motion.
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