
Latest Salary Atlas shows whether you are receiving a fair wage

Latest Salary Atlas shows whether you are receiving a fair wage

After updating its Salary Atlas for 2023, the Federal Employment Agency has released new data on average salaries in Germany. You can use the Atlas to determine whether you are receiving a fair wage for your job

Use the Salary Atlas to compare your wages 

The Federal Employment Agency has updated its Salary Atlas, an online tool where anyone can input their occupation (from a selection of 4.000 different options) and see how much employees in Germany earn on average. You can also filter by federal state, city, gender and age to see how these factors affect salary. 

The Salary Atlas is designed to help workers in Germany better estimate and negotiate their wages, and also see how undertaking additional training might affect their earnings. You can check the Salary Atlas via the Federal Employment Agency’s website (in German)

Average salary in Germany in 2022 was 3.646 euros per month

According to the data from 2022, the median gross salary in Germany is 3.646 euros per month, an increase of 130 euros compared to 2021. The figure only applies to people working full-time hours in jobs subject to social security. It doesn’t include part-time workers or those on mini- and midi-job contracts

The Federal Employment Agency said that the increase can be explained by the reduction in people on short-time work after the scrapping of restrictions due to coronavirus, and the increase of pay for employees subject to collective agreements. 

Doctors, pilots and mechanical engineers remain among the most highly-paid employees in Germany. When broken down by federal state, the highest earnings are to be found in Hamburg, where the median salary is 4.127 euros per month, followed by Baden-Württemberg (3.977 euros) and Hesse (3.938 euros). Employees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (2.935 euros), Thuringia (2.945 euros) and Saxony-Anhalt (2.993 euros) earn the lowest median salaries.



Abi Carter

Managing Editor at IamExpat Media. Abi studied German and History at the University of Manchester and has since lived in Berlin, Hamburg and Utrecht, working since 2017 as a writer,...

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