
Porcelain cups & Vegan menu: Deutsche Bahn gets fancy with waste-cutting plan

Porcelain cups & Vegan menu: Deutsche Bahn gets fancy with waste-cutting plan

From next year German rail company Deutsche Bahn will offer passengers food and drink in reusable cups, plates and bowls, as part of a wider company effort to cut waste. 

New reusable packaging in Deutsche Bahn on-board bistros

In a statement, Deutsche Bahn said that passengers would be able to choose a “high-quality porcelain or glass” option when ordering food and drink in the on-board bistro carriage on long-distance trains

The reusable cups, plates and bowls will be offered free of charge and will not be subject to a deposit (Pfand), but nonetheless, customers will still be able to request the old plastic or cardboard packaging if they would prefer. 

The new service brings Deutsche Bahn in line with new rules being implemented in Germany from the beginning of 2023, requiring all restaurants and cafes to offer both a reusable as well as a disposable packaging option for to-go products, free of charge. 

German rail company aims for carbon neutrality by 2040

As part of its ongoing efforts to be “more green”, Deutsche Bahn has also been serving up a menu that is at least 50 percent vegan or vegetarian since March, according to company bosses. Vegan on-board options include an “Italian-style” wrap, vegetable bolognese, and a plant-based chicken curry flavoured with paprika and lemon. 

“Deutsche Bahn is driving forward its green transformation in onboard catering,” Michael Peterson, head of passenger services, said in a statement. “With the introduction of porcelain and glass in the on-board bistro has a reusable variant, we not only offer our guests a long-lasting and sustainable alternative to disposable packaging, but also create quality enjoyment just like at home.” 

The international company intends to become carbon neutral by 2040. 

Thumb image credit: Deutsche Bahn AG / Oliver Lang



Abi Carter

Editor in Chief at IamExpat Media. Abi studied German and History at the University of Manchester and has since lived in Berlin, Hamburg and Utrecht, working since 2017 as a...

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