
Germany ranked world's second-safest country during coronavirus pandemic

Germany ranked world's second-safest country during coronavirus pandemic

Where in the world are people best protected against coronavirus? According to a new ranking, Germany is currently one of the safest countries in the world to be in during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. 

Germany safest and most stable country in Europe

As coronavirus continues to ravage its way around the world, plenty of people are fearing for their lives and their economic livelihoods. Those who live in Germany, however, are comparatively well positioned. 

According to a new ranking compiled by the London Deep Knowledge Group (DKG), the federal republic is currently the safest and most stable country in Europe. In a worldwide comparison, it comes second only to Israel.

DKG ranking looks at multiple data sources

The analysts at DKG used a large amount of data to compile their study, looking, for example, at when exit restrictions were introduced, whether there have been many violations, the extent of travel restrictions, each country’s testing capacity and how well hospitals are equipped. 

DKG stresses that all of its data comes from renowned public data sources and experts, including the World Health Organisation, Johns Hopkins University, the CDC, Worldometers and others. All parameters are given a separate weighting, based on the DKG’s experience over the past five years. 

Germany praised for crisis management and healthcare system

Overall, Germany comes second only to Israel, followed by South Korea in third place, Australia in fourth and China in fifth. Notable absences from the top 40 list are badly-affected countries like the United States, Italy, Spain and Great Britain. Spain and Italy share joint last place in the separate Eurozone ranking. 

covid 19 safety ranking

According to the analysis, Germany scores particularly highly when it comes to inpatient treatment - thanks to its well-prepared healthcare system. The federal republic comes top in this category, followed by China, South Korea and Austria. The federal government’s overall management of the crisis also gets a good grade. 

“Compared to other countries, Germany currently has the best security and stability ranking in Europe and is also one of the leading nations worldwide in terms of crisis management,” said data expert Dmitry Kaminsky, founder of DKG. 

“In view of the high number of infections it had at the start, Germany was extremely efficient and has successfully stopped the disease from spreading further without reaching the level of other countries - as a result, Germany will have significant economic advantages after the pandemic.” 

Slowing coronavirus infection rate in Germany

As of Wednesday afternoon, there were over 132.000 confirmed coronavirus cases in Germany, but the number of new infections continues to decline. According to the Johns Hopkins University, the number of new cases has now been falling for six days in a row. 



Abi Carter

Editor in Chief at IamExpat Media. Abi studied German and History at the University of Manchester and has since lived in Berlin, Hamburg and Utrecht, working since 2017 as a...

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