
Family & Kids

Family & Kids

With lots of tax benefits for married couples, generous parental allowances and a good school system on offer, it's no surprise that so many expats choose to raise their families in Germany. Whether you came with your family or you’re thinking of starting one here, there’s plenty of things you need to know about family life in Germany.

Getting married in Germany

Did you know that only registry offices are able to perform legally-binding marriages in Germany? It is therefore fairly common to have two wedding ceremonies: one legal and one religious. If you’re thinking of tying the knot in Germany, there’s plenty of paperwork you need to sort out first. Find out more about marriage and partnerships in Germany.

Divorce & Separation

Permanently separating from your spouse is a fairly simple process in Germany, as long as both partners consent. You can usually file for divorce after one year of separation. If both parties agree, you can both be represented by one lawyer at the Family Court. Read more about divorce and separation in Germany.

German parental leave

German law provides plenty of benefits and protection for new parents in Germany. Apart from allowances such as maternity benefit and parental allowance, mothers and fathers in Germany are also entitled to parental leave for up to three years after the birth of a child.

Pregnancy & Giving birth in Germany

Expecting a baby? Congratulations! You’ll be glad to hear that the standard of care for expectant mothers is very high in Germany. Find out how the German system works, from pregnancy to childbirth, including information on where to find a midwife, how to choose a hospital, prenatal classes and parental leave.   

Registering a birth in Germany

Soon after your little bundle of joy arrives in the world, you will need to register them at the local Standesamt (registry office) so that they can be entered into the official register. Registering a birth doesn’t necessarily need to be done by the parents, but it needs to take place within a week of childbirth.  

Birth certificates

Once you’ve registered your new baby, you will automatically receive a birth certificate for them. These pieces of paperwork are incredibly important in Germany, so make sure to keep it somewhere safe. If for any reason it goes missing, it is relatively easy to replace birth certificates in Germany.

Childcare in Germany (Kita)

If you're coming to Germany with kids, or you're expecting a new baby, you'll probably need to start thinking about childcare. Kita (short for Kindertagesstätte) is a collective term used to describe all kinds of childcare in Germany, including nurseries, preschools and after-school care. Learn about the different options available to you.

Child sickness benefit

Parents shouldn't lose out financially if they have to take time off work when their kids fall ill. All parents in Germany are legally entitled to take time off work to take care of their sick child at home. If your employer doesn't continue paying your wages, your statutory health insurance company will pay out a child sickness benefit.

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