
[Video] How a German supermarket is eliminating food waste

[Video] How a German supermarket is eliminating food waste

“In the beginning, we wanted to save the entire world. But we discovered that this is too much, and we need to start with something that we actually know very well, which is … food.” Martin Schott and Raphael Fellmer saw a shocking problem: like one-third of all food worldwide, every year tonnes of perfectly edible food in Germany was being thrown away.

So, they created a solution. Sirplus is a supermarket, based in Berlin, that sells food that would otherwise have been destined for the bin - either for being wonky, too small or just past its sell-by-date.

Watch the video to see how they’re tackling the problem of food waste, one bite at a time.



Abi Carter

Abi studied History & German at the University of Manchester. She has since worked as a writer, editor and content marketeer, but still has a soft spot for museums, castles...

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