
Temperatures over 35C expected as Germany prepares for heat bubble

Temperatures over 35C expected as Germany prepares for heat bubble

The weather will heat up across Germany as the weekend arrives and again from the evening of August 11. Certain parts of the country could see temperatures nearing 40 degrees celsius early next week.

Heat and thunderstorms forecast for the weekend in Germany

This weekend will bring heat, heavy rain and thunderstorms to Germany. August 10 will see temperatures between 27 and 30 degrees across eastern, western and southern parts of the country, while northern cities and the North Sea coastline will feel cooler temperatures between 23 and 25 degrees.

Temperatures will climb again from August 11. Intermittent sunshine and localised thunderstorms will be accompanied by 30 to 32-degree heat in much of the southwest, including Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Munich.

Heat bubble expected to hit Germany on August 11

Current forecasts do not predict next week will bring much relief. "Calculations of the GFS weather model of the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), [predict] we could be hit by an extreme heat bubble in Germany from Sunday,” meteorologist Dominik Jung told Bild.

Jung said the heat bubble could mean temperatures well over 35 degrees and closer to 40 degrees in some regions. For Monday, the GFS model currently forecasts 31 degrees in northern Germany and up to 37 degrees in the southwest.

Recent weeks have seen searing heat in other parts of Europe, sparking forest fires in Spain, Greece and Croatia. According to a report released on August 8 by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Union’s climate monitor, July 2024 was the second-hottest July ever recorded on Earth.

To keep cool in heatwaves, the German government recommends drinking between two and three litres of water throughout the day, rescheduling intensive activities for cooler times of day and wearing a head covering and high-factor sun cream to protect your skin while outside.

Thumb image credit: Massimo Todaro /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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