
Sunny weather to continue in Germany after record-breaking warming in February

Sunny weather to continue in Germany after record-breaking warming in February

Mild nights and warm days throughout February broke temperature records in Germany. Now, the sunny weather is expected to continue into March.

Average temperature in February was 6,6 degrees

The weather across Germany in February was uncharacteristically warm for the winter period. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the average temperature for February was 6,6 degrees celsius, well exceeding the previous record from 1990, when a monthly average of 5,7 degrees was recorded.

The lowest temperature recorded over the course of the month was on February 24 in Allgäu, Bavaria, where the mercury dropped to -5,2 degrees. Unlike in previous years, many regions of Germany were completely without frost in February 2024. Bavaria also recorded the warmest weather, on February 16 locals in Rosenheim experienced highs of 18,8 degrees.

“This is a clear sign of climate change,” meteorologist Jürgen Schmidt said to RND, “Many of the past twelve months have been too warm.” Among other things, the early arrival of springtime weather is expected to disrupt the hibernation patterns of animals, extend allergy season and bring harvest season forward to August, meaning that fruit and vegetables must be artificially cooled once they have been picked.

Warm, sunny weather will continue into March across Germany

While February saw record-breaking warmth, the month didn’t bring much sun - an average of 54 hours across the country, 20 fewer hours than were recorded in 1991 and 2000.

However, the first weekend of March will bring with it sun and warm temperatures across much of the country. Only Baden-Württemberg will be overcast on March 1, with intermittent sun from Munich to Hamburg and highs of 15 degrees in Berlin. By March 2, the warmth will spread down south, with most cities seeing a temperature of between 13 and 15 degrees.

Thumb image credit: Anastasiia Lang /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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