
3 apps that tackle food waste in Germany

3 apps that tackle food waste in Germany

Approximately 11 million tons of food is thrown away every year in Germany. Per capita, this means that each German wastes about 55 kilograms of food per year. So how can we, as consumers, make an impact? And how can apps help?

Innovative apps fighting food waste in Germany

There are several initiatives already operating in Germany which use modern technology to save food destined for the bin - and also save us a few more euros. Here we share three innovative apps that work with local supermarkets, restaurants and other businesses to curb food waste.

ResQ Club

Connecting sustainable restaurants and grocery stores with a surplus of food with hungry consumers is the driving force behind the Finnish app ResQ.

Currently available in Berlin, ResQ offers potential customers a 50 percent discount on meals, ready-to-eat-snacks and leftover groceries from participating restaurants and retailers in your area. Simply download the app and browse through the affordable food offerings listed on the map and choose which deals you want to buy.

“Every meal purchased via ResQ is one less meal thrown away”

ResQ app users can purchase multiple offers in one order and easily pay using a payment card of their choice or PayPal.

And unlike other food delivery or pick-up apps, there is little to no waiting time involved – meaning you can usually head on over to most restaurants and cafes and pick up your order as soon as you’ve paid.

ResQ club app Germany


OLIO takes things one step further than its contemporaries, as it connects neighbours as well as local shops to help eliminate food waste. Once users have downloaded the app, they can take a photo of any unwanted food item, add a description and where and when the item is available and presto! Instant food sharing. App users can easily browse through the listings available in their area, put out a food request and arrange a pick-up through private messaging.

“Join the food sharing revolution”

The UK-based startup also works with local businesses to help tackle food waste. Volunteers visit local stores every day to collect unwanted or surplus food and non-food items. They then photograph the items and list them on the app, offering their homes as local collection points.

With over 1 million users in 32 countries, it's safe to say that OLIO is paving the way for a food revolution. OLIO is available in all major German cities as well as smaller towns.

Olio app Germany

Too Good To Go

Spanning a wider, global community of waste warriors, Too Good To Go encourages consumers across Europe to save good food and fight food waste at the same time. Initially launched in 2016 in Copenhagen, the app connects cafes, supermarkets, hotels and more with consumers looking to purchase unwanted or leftover food. Customers can search through a selection of participating retailers and traders in their neighbourhood and buy a “Magic Bag”.

"Save delicious food and fight food waste”

Each bag is filled with edible food that would normally have been thrown away. You never know what you may get in your “Magic Bag”, so beware if you have any severe allergies! Once you have purchased a bag from your retailer of choice, they will offer you a time frame of when your bag will be ready to be picked up – making saving surplus food a breeze.

Currently available in all large German cities, like Cologne and Munich, Too Good To Go also encourages customers to bring their own recyclable bag or container when collecting their food order.

Toogoodtogo app Germany

Apps to help you save food across Germany

Each of these apps, available for both iOS and Android devices, offers a small step for consumers to take when it comes to tackling food waste. But in order to bring around real change, consumers, businesses and the government will have to work hand in hand.

From introducing "leftover" grocery stores like Sirplus in Berlin, to changing consumers' shopping habits and introducing new legalisation against food waste, it's safe to say that attitudes towards food and food waste are changing for the better.

Vivian Hendriksz


Vivian Hendriksz

Vivian is a dedicated editor and writer with a keen interest in all things lifestyle-related, from travel to culture and fashion.

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