Christopher Street Day Berlin

Christopher Street Day Berlin

Jul 27, 2024

A great parade, decorated floats, colourful flags and amazing music characterise the much-awaited Christopher Street Day - a day symbolising freedom and equality, where up to 500.000 people demonstrate for the rights of the LGBTQ community. 

The story behind Christopher Street Day (CSD)

Now known as the biggest LGBTQ celebration in Berlin (and across Germany), CSD was first marked in Germany's capital city on June 30, 1979, as a remembrance of the first big homosexual uprising against police assaults in Greenwich Village (New York), that took place 10 years prior on June 27, 1969. 

These riots are well-known as the Stonewall Riots since they took place at the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street - from where the German festival also gets its name. 

What to expect at Christopher Street Day 

Usually, CSD is celebrated on the streets with parades, floats and hordes of visitors. With this year’s theme being “Together we take a stand – Democracy needs diversity!”, the parade is issuing a direct rebuttal of the politics shown recently by parties such as the AfD and DAVA. The queer community, and all communities are strong because of their differences, not despite them.

The parade starts at 12pm at Leipziger Straße / Ecke Spittelmarkt and passes through Wittenbergplatz, Nollendorfplatz, Lützowplatz and Siegessäule, ending at Brandenburg Gate where a final rally takes place at 5pm.

Attending Christopher Street Day 2024

To attend Christopher Street Day 2024, and for more details about the event and updates, visit the official CSD website. Plan your journey, and decide whether you are arriving by car, bicycle or public transport!