Berlin Pride

Berlin Pride

Jun 28, 2024Jul 28, 2024
Various locations

Berlin Pride, also known as Christopher Street Day (CSD), is an annual celebration of love, diversity and acceptance within the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer community (LGBTIQ+).

Seen as one of the biggest pride events in Europe, Berlin Pride revolves around the legendary Pride Parade, together with countless street parties, a Pride Village, an official party and numerous cultural and political events. The main goal of Berlin Pride is to promote equal rights and equal treatment of the LGBTIQ+ community and its supporters while celebrating the love and pride in their culture.

Berlin Pride themes for 2024

As CSD takes place once again in the capital city of Germany, it is as great a time as any to think about the first LGBTIQ+ demonstrations, which took place in Greenwich Village, New York, to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Inn riots against police discrimination. Although CSD and Pride celebrations have taken place in Berlin for decades, 2024 marks the third year of Pride Month.

As in previous years, throughout the weekend festival, the organisers behind Berlin Pride will be shining the spotlight on those campaigning for equal rights for the LGBTIQ+ community. There are multiple main themes this year, namely: Queer in old age, Sport / Football, Islam, Strong queer network in Germany and TIN - a feminist perspective.

Berlin Pride calendar

What first began as a small demonstration of 400 participants in 1979 has blossomed into a full-blown festival, attracting more than 400.000 visitors to Berlin last year. CSD expects to welcome at least half a million participants to the festival this year.

Berlin Pride Parade

The main event of Berlin Pride is the Christopher Street Day Pride Parade, which starts at 12pm on Saturday, July 27 at the corner of Kurfürstendamm and Joachimsthaler Straße, before passing through the city.

The parade is divided into sections, with the front one reserved for participants on foot and “quieter” vehicles, such as bicycles, strollers or rickshaws. The second part of the parade train is dedicated to “loud” vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars. The procession then ends at Brandenburg Gate, where a huge final rally takes place from 4pm onwards.

CSD Pride Finale

Following the end of the parade, a final rally kicks off at the iconic Brandenburg Gate (one of Germany's many famous monuments), where many stalls, stages and booths are set up as part of the Pride Village. All parade participants and visitors are invited to celebrate Berlin Pride here, where a huge outdoor party takes place until midnight.

Berlin Pride Village

The Pride Village, which stretches out around Brandenburg Gate, serves as the hub for the CSD Finale party. Featuring musical entertainment ranging from bands to DJs, informational stands and food stalls, the official stage programme for the Village starts at 4:30pm. One of the evening’s highlights is the presentation of the Soul of Stonewall Award.

Plan your visit to Berlin Pride 2024

Berlin Pride is free to attend, welcoming everyone who supports love and tolerance among all sexes and races. Visit the Berlin Pride website for more information, or to register to participate in the parade!

With close to 500.000 participants expected for this year's Pride, we advise all visitors to plan their route to the city, whether it be by car, trainpublic transport or bike, well ahead of time.