Buy your German home in 4 easy steps with LoanLink
Buy your German home in 4 easy steps with LoanLink
German real estate prices will continue to skyrocket, experts predict
German real estate prices will continue to skyrocket, experts predict
08.01.2020 by Abi Carter
Augsburg landlord fined for refusing to rent to foreigners
Augsburg landlord fined for refusing to rent to foreigners
13.12.2019 by Abi Carter
There are 600.000 empty apartments in Germany
There are 600.000 empty apartments in Germany
05.12.2019 by Abi Carter
1.800 people show up to view one apartment in Berlin
1.800 people show up to view one apartment in Berlin
27.11.2019 by Abi Carter
Hypofriend: The smart way to buy your German home
Hypofriend: The smart way to buy your German home
Rents in Munich are no longer the most expensive in Germany
Rents in Munich are no longer the most expensive in Germany
23.11.2019 by Abi Carter
No more endless apartment hunting – buy a home with Your German Mortgage
No more endless apartment hunting – buy a home with Your German Mortgage
Berlin rent cap: 300.000 renters could soon pay less
Berlin rent cap: 300.000 renters could soon pay less
24.10.2019 by Abi Carter
Housing in this German city is the most overpriced in the world
Housing in this German city is the most overpriced in the world
02.10.2019 by Abi Carter
Cost of student housing rising in Germany - these cities are still cheap
Cost of student housing rising in Germany - these cities are still cheap
05.09.2019 by Abi Carter
Getting settled in Berlin with The Student Hotel
Getting settled in Berlin with The Student Hotel
Rents in Berlin could be capped at 7,97 euros per square metre
Rents in Berlin could be capped at 7,97 euros per square metre
27.08.2019 by Abi Carter
6.000 euro fine for unauthorised Airbnb host in Frankfurt
6.000 euro fine for unauthorised Airbnb host in Frankfurt
23.08.2019 by Abi Carter
Landmark ruling upholds German tenants' right to rent control
Landmark ruling upholds German tenants' right to rent control
21.08.2019 by Abi Carter
Despite high prices, buying a house in Germany is still worthwhile
Despite high prices, buying a house in Germany is still worthwhile
16.08.2019 by Abi Carter
5 ways to avoid getting scammed when looking for a place in Germany
5 ways to avoid getting scammed when looking for a place in Germany
31.07.2019 by Mina Solanki
New homes in Germany are not being built where they're needed
New homes in Germany are not being built where they're needed
23.07.2019 by Abi Carter
Tenants in Germany spend up to half their income on rent
Tenants in Germany spend up to half their income on rent
11.07.2019 by Abi Carter
House prices in Germany's biggest cities up 40,8 percent since 2015
House prices in Germany's biggest cities up 40,8 percent since 2015
02.07.2019 by Abi Carter
Sick of house-hunting? An insider’s perspective might help!
Sick of house-hunting? An insider’s perspective might help!
01.07.2019 by Martijn Schneider
5 reasons to move to Munich
5 reasons to move to Munich
27.06.2019 by Paul Irwin
10 things expats should know about German mortgages
10 things expats should know about German mortgages
25.06.2019 by Peter Kleinwächter
Real estate boom deepens wealth divide in Germany
Real estate boom deepens wealth divide in Germany
21.06.2019 by Abi Carter
Rents will be frozen for five years in Berlin
Rents will be frozen for five years in Berlin
19.06.2019 by Abi Carter
"Increase rents quickly" says Berlin owners' association
"Increase rents quickly" says Berlin owners' association
14.06.2019 by Abi Carter
German property tax reform could mean increases of up to 683 percent
German property tax reform could mean increases of up to 683 percent
12.06.2019 by Abi Carter
Tips on finding an apartment in Germany
Tips on finding an apartment in Germany
27.05.2019 by Linda O'Grady
German landlords could be banned from charging excessive rents
German landlords could be banned from charging excessive rents
22.05.2019 by Abi Carter