
New calculator helps tenants in Germany to report exploitative rents

New calculator helps tenants in Germany to report exploitative rents

Using a new online calculator launched by Germany’s Left Party (die Linke), tenants in four German cities can find out if they are paying exploitatively high rents and report landlords to the relevant authorities in one click.

5.672 Berliners use new rent calculator in first week

Die Linke has launched a new campaign to help tenants in Berlin, Leipzig, Freiburg and Hamburg find out if they are paying exploitatively high rent.

By entering basic information about their tenancy online, the calculator (Mietwucher-Rechner) tells users if they should register a case of rent exploitation with the local housing authority (Wohnungsamt), which can be done in one click after the calculation.

A landlord may be committing rent exploitation if they breach two legal limits. Landlords charging tenants 20 percent over the local comparative rent (determined by the Mietspiegel) can face fines of up to 50.000. If charged rents are 50 percent over the Mietspiegel limit, the landlord may be committing a criminal offence and can face prison time.

According to a press release from the party, in the first week since launching the Mietwucher-Rechner 5.672 Berliners used the service, 75 percent of whom found that they were paying illegally high rent at an average of 56 percent over the Mietspiegel limit.

Housing authority acts on tenants’ behalf

Amid the worst housing shortage in 20 years, many renters are reluctant to enter disputes with landlords for fear of losing their homes. However, unlike using lawyers or online services for rent reductions, tenants paying exploitative rent do not contact the landlord directly.

“[R]eporting suspected rent exploitation should not be a cause for concern,” assures the party. “[...] [Y]ou do not need to contact your landlord directly or take legal action yourself. The local housing office handles this in the public interest without acting on your behalf.”

If the housing authority’s investigation is successful, tenants will receive a rent reduction and refund of overpaid rent.

Can tenants in other German cities use the service?

While die Linke’s Mietwucher-Rechner can currently only calculate if tenants in Berlin, Leipzig, Freiburg and Hamburg are being financially exploited, the party explained that renters in other German cities have the same legal means at their disposal.

In Frankfurt, for example, housing authorities have fined landlords 321.000 euros and 419.000 euros in overcharged rent has been refunded to tenants, according to the party.

In Germany, the Mietspiegel applies in all cities and towns with a population over 50.000. Local tenants’ associations (Mietervereine) often have an online calculator similar to that offered by die Linke.

If you live in any German city covered by the Mietspiegel, suspect that your landlord is charging exploitative rents and have your suspicions confirmed after using the local calculator, you can contact the local housing authority directly and explain your situation. Die Linke also provides a template letter that you can send to the housing authority about your case.

Thumb image credit: Ralf Gosch /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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