
Balcony solar panel boom continues as 152.000 more units installed in Germany

Balcony solar panel boom continues as 152.000 more units installed in Germany

2024 has so far been the year of the balcony solar panel boom in Germany, with each new quarter bringing a record number of units installed. 152.000 more units were installed in the second quarter alone.

Solar panel boom continues in Germany

Figures from the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) have revealed that 152.000 more balcony solar panel units were installed in Germany during the second quarter of 2024.

Since Germany’s new Solar Package I policy came into effect in January 2024, clearing several bureaucratic hurdles that made it cumbersome to install balcony solar panels, there has been a boom in installations.

In the first quarter of 2024, 50.000 new units were installed and by early June the country had already surpassed the half-a-million mark. The figures reveal a significant uptick in installations compared to just 270.000 units installed in the whole of 2023.

Of the German cities, Bonn residents installed the largest number of units in the second quarter, with 5,16 units installed for every 1.000 people. Dresden followed with 4,10 units, Essen with 3,37 and Leipzig with 2,94.

Can I install solar panels in Germany as a renter?

If you want to jump on the boom bandwagon, installing solar panels on your balcony is relatively easier as a renter or homeowner.

Anyone who would like to can install the panels themselves; they must only register their “balcony power plant” in a database. As a tenant, you should get permission from your landlord in advance, but the circumstances under which your landlord can deny your request are limited and set to be limited further under coming regulations.

Before you install the panels it is important to consider how much sun your balcony gets, to judge whether it is worth spending money on the panels. A solar panel kit can cost between 300 and 1.000 euros depending on demand and has a lifespan of 25 years. According to figures from Verivox, solar panels save households an average of 228 euros per year on electricity.

When weighing up if an installation is worth it, it is also wise to check which kind of subsidies might be available. For example, since early 2023, tenants in Berlin can apply for a 500-euro Business SolarPLUS subsidy from the city’s senate if they would like help to cover installation costs.

Thumb image credit: Mariana Serdynska /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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