
Germany steps up border controls ahead of Euro 2024

Germany steps up border controls ahead of Euro 2024

From June 7, border controls will be increased in Germany ahead of the Euros 2024 Championship, which kicks off on June 14.

Police increase border controls to and from Germany ahead of Euros

Starting this weekend, German police will increase the regularity of border controls for travellers coming in and out of the country. With more regular checks, drivers and train passengers will likely experience longer waiting times when it comes to crossing Schengen or Swiss borders in or out of Germany.

Irrespective of whether they are EU citizens, third-country tourists or have a German residence permit or a residence permit from another EU country, passengers are advised to carry valid travel documents and relevant permits while travelling.

No terror alert issued in Germany

While the increased checks aim to foil any terror threats, since Islamic State and other extremist groups have called for attacks against the European Football Championships in Germany, the coalition government has not issued any terror alert level. This is because, unlike France or Italy, Germany does not issue terror alert levels, which the government believes are too general to be effective. 

"The situation can vary from region to region, and even within a single city," the German Interior Ministry writes on its website, which can result in "the inaccurate feeling that the danger is the same everywhere".

Instead, risk assessments are made on a case-by-case basis to not "unnecessarily increase the feeling of insecurity." The Ministry assured that "appropriate security measures will be implemented immediately", should a risk be evident.

Thumb image credit: Hadrian /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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