
Germany to launch information website about new citizenship law

Germany to launch information website about new citizenship law

The coalition government has announced that it will launch a new online information platform and advertising campaign about the procedure of applying for German citizenship.

German government announce new citizenship platform

According to tabloid newspaper Bild, the German government is set to launch a new advertising campaign and online information website which explains the requirements for and steps to applying for German citizenship.

A letter written by MP Reem Alabali-Radovan (SPD), seen by Bild and confirmed to the Local by the Interior Ministry, says that the platform will inform residents in German and English “about the requirements and procedures for naturalisation”.

The website and campaign will be launched on June 27, the day that Germany’s new dual citizenship law - which was signed into law by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in March - will officially come into effect. 

Among other changes, the new law will allow non-EU citizens with a German residence permit to naturalise after just five years in the country and after three years in special cases, without having to surrender their original citizenship.

Already overwhelmed by applications and lacking staff, once the law comes into effect in late June, Germany’s immigration offices are expected to see a wave of 80.000 citizenship applications in the year following.

With incomplete applications and documents containing errors cited as another reason for extreme processing delays, the government hopes that the information website’s explainer videos and guides will help to simplify the application steps and reduce processing times once an application has been submitted.

German government will launch citizenship info channels on social media

Alongside the new information website, the German government is expected to open new, official social media accounts sharing personal stories about the application process and eventual naturalisation.

These will spotlight the experience of successful applicants and be used as an advertising campaign to encourage residents to apply for citizenship.

Until now, citizenship applicants in Germany have been reliant on unofficial channels, such as Facebook groups or forums, to share stories about successful or unsuccessful citizenship applications.

Thumb image credit: Tatjana Meininger /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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