
German Postbank and supermarket staff to strike on February 16

German Postbank and supermarket staff to strike on February 16

German trade union ver.di has announced that employees at Postbank and Edeka supermarkets will go on strike on February 16.

Postbank staff to go on strike across Germany

German trade union ver.di has announced that staff at Postbank, the post and banking service, branches will go on strike starting Friday, February 16. The industrial action is set to begin in Hamburg on February 16, before spreading to Postbank branches in every German federal state in the following days.

Representing Postbank staff, ver.di is demanding a 15,5 percent pay increase, a pay increase of 250 euros for Postbank apprentices and extending protections against job loss. The warning strike comes ahead of another round of negotiations with Postbank scheduled for February 26.

Edeka staff strikes begin on Friday

Joining Postbank staff are airport security staff, Lufthansa ground staff, train drivers, bus drivers and doctors.13.000 employees at the German supermarket Edeka will also walk out on Friday.

Ver.di announced on February 15 that the planned, day-long strike would be just the first of many strikes in the coming weeks, with estimations that, unless negotiations prove fruitful, further, consistent action will last until Easter.

The strike will affect Edeka branches and warehouses across the country to varying extents. In the most severe case, some shops will be closed for the whole of Friday, while others may just have more limited hours.

Ver.di is demanding that Edeka employees earn 2,50 euros more per hour and that the lowest-paid employees be given a minimum wage of 13,50 euros per hour. This would amount to a 15 percent pay increase.

Thumb image credit: defotoberg /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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