
German words expats should know: Tja

German words expats should know: Tja

What’s Tja all about and how can you use it correctly when speaking German? Tja, we’re going to teach you a thing or two. 

What is the definition of Tja?

Tja” is an elusive German word; thrown into millions of spoken conversations every day but rarely making it onto the page.

The most direct translation of “Tja” in English is “well”. While “Na ja” can also be used to mean “well” in English - in the sense of somewhat unwilling acceptance, “Na ja, so ist es heutzutage” (“Well, that’s what it's like these days”) for example - Tja is the English “well” which precedes a negative statement or a statement expressing doubt. 

How to use Tja when speaking German

When you’re speaking German, “Tja” informs the listener that you are about to tell them something they should know and, more often than not, it is something negative. “Tja, man kann eben nicht mit jedem befreundet sein” (Well, you can’t be friends with everyone”) or “Tja, den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken, bringt eben nichts” (“Well, it’s pointless burying your head in the sand”).

Tja, was können wir noch sagen? This shifty word won’t make its way into your mind at a German language course. If you want to master “Tja”, it’s best to pay attention to when it is used in informal conversation at the Bürgeramt or supermarket.

Thumb image credit: GaudiLab /

Olivia Logan


Olivia Logan

Editor for Germany at IamExpat Media. Olivia first came to Germany in 2013 to work as an Au Pair. Since studying English Literature and German in Scotland, Freiburg and Berlin...

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