
Sorted: Freelancer taxes made easy

Sorted: Freelancer taxes made easy


Doing your taxes in a foreign country can be daunting. What with all the tax returns, deadlines, deductions and special exceptions, as an expat in Germany you may find the tax system complicated and difficult to manage by yourself. 

Added to which, finding a good English-speaking tax consultant who is familiar with both freelancer taxes and expats is both difficult and expensive. 

That’s why Sorted makes it incredibly easy for anyone freelancing in Germany to take care of their taxes.

Sorted helps freelancers take care of their tax obligations and communications with the Finanzamt.

Easily take care of your taxes as a freelancer

Sorted is an online tax software that helps freelancers take care of their tax obligations, reports, payments and communications with the Finanzamt. With Sorted, you can: 

  • Easily create legally correct invoices
  • Track your income and expenses
  • Connect your bank account
  • Get a full overview of your taxes as a freelancer

Submit your tax reports directly to the Finanzamt

Based on your income and expenses, Sorted will automatically fill in all of your tax reports, and when the time comes, remind you to review and submit them electronically to the tax office - with just one click. 

Sorted is directly connected with the Finanzamt through their official software ELSTER. This means you do not need to create your own ELSTER account or certificate. Simply register for Sorted - and you’re sorted!

sorted dashboard screenshot

On-demand support from English-speaking tax advisors

If your tax situation is more complex or you need additional guidance, you can get on-demand support from a personal tax advisor specialised in freelancing. sorted english-speaking tax advisors

The tax consultants on Sorted are certified, English-speaking, and have lots of experience in working with freelancers and expats.

You can schedule a call with your personal tax consultant, send them a message, or ask to review your tax reports, all online.

Your perfect start to freelancing

Just starting as a freelancer in Germany? Exciting! Sorted also makes it incredibly easy to register with the tax office, create your first invoice, and get an overview of your upcoming tax declarations and deadlines.

With their step-by-step guidance, Sorted will guide you through the German tax system, helping you to invoice customers correctly, determine which expenses are tax deductible, and identify the different types of taxes you need to pay as a self-employed worker. 

Made for all types of freelancers

No matter whether you are a small business (Kleinunternehmer), work with clients outside of Germany, earn additional income from a salary, are married, or have children, Sorted can help you to take care of your taxes with confidence. 

Ready to give it a try?

Create a free account and learn more about how you can take care of your freelancer taxes with Sorted.



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